Member Surveys
As we develop our strategy for building Our Union in the approach to our contract bargaining we would like to hear from our members on a variety of topics. Many of our best ideas come from the membership and our primary goal is to represent all of us as a collective. Please take a few minutes to share your ideas with us so that we can make sure all our voices are heard and considered.
Bargaining Survey
Please share with us your priorities for the upcoming contract bargaining session. Bargaining topics primarily consist of aspects of working conditions, compensation, and job duties.
Labor Management Committee
As we begin new rounds of our contractual Labor Management Committee meetings we are looking for member input of discussion topics. LMC focuses on non-grievance conflict resolution, working conditions, cooperative employee programs, review and revision of policy.
County Executive and Council Member Endorsement Questionnaire
As the local elections approach Our Local 925 is preparing to interview candidates for County Executive and County Council. As members are a part of this process and get to provide the questions that will be asked of the candidates. Members are also allowed to partake in and observe the candidate interviews, those in attendance will make the endorsement decisions collectively.
No member input provided yet.
No member input provided yet.
No member input provided yet.